Hmm, I may feel humbled to say it, but I've gone back to Linux, but this time I'm using Debian Linux. It was simply too much work trying to get all the hardware support on the FreeBSD kernel, particularly when Linux seems to be ahead in this regard. So with this thought in mind, I kiss FreeBSD goodbye as I wait for a solid Unix version (or as close to it as I can get), and while I'm waiting, I'll be using Linux. Of course, nothing is perfect, and I'm having my own issues with Debian at the moment, with that cursed xf86-video-intel driver. Hopefully I'll get it compiled and installed soon.



Bruton Garden


Hi there, I'm John, and I'm a blogger from Canada. I dabble with C and C++, and enjoy using a variety of operating systems. You can contact me at
john [at]


Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by John Altenmueller