New web host found!

I'm pleased to announce that I've found a new (and supposedly free) web host which will allow me to create a full-blown website. I won't disclose the domain yet, as I've got a bit of work to do in the coding of the design and such, but I will mention that it is *nix related and that I've written a number of articles for it already.

The goal of this new website is going to be simplicity. In design, I believe that simplicity is beautiful. Not that everything has to be black-and-white, but that one should use "features" sparingly to draw out important details in the content. I think I'm also going to simplify the backbone of this website so as to make less work in maintaining the whole thing, although I might possibly try to integrate various php and cgi-based applications such as wordpress, drupal, phpBB, etc. as I see fit.

In the meantime, I hope to get some rough mockups done so I can begin some serious coding and uploading over the weekend.



Bruton Garden


Hi there, I'm John, and I'm a blogger from Canada. I dabble with C and C++, and enjoy using a variety of operating systems. You can contact me at
john [at]


Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by John Altenmueller